Salon Marty Tatoo
Le salon Marty Tatoo a été repensé de manière à moderniser ses espaces intérieurs tout en maintenant l’identité forte de l’existant. L’univers du tatouage a notamment inspiré le design d’espace. Les différents éléments de mobilier et d’architecture jouent sur les variations d’épaisseurs comme peut le faire un tatoueur sur la peau. L’utilisation des fines plaques de cuivre au plafond rappelle la bobine de cuivre des outils de tatouage.
{EN} The Marty Tatoo salon was redesigned to modernize its interior spaces while maintaining the strong identity of the existing. The world of tattooing inspired the design of the space. The different elements of furniture and architecture play on the variations of thickness as a tattoo artist can do on the skin. The use of thin copper plates on the ceiling recalls the copper coil of the tattoo tools.
︎︎︎ Image 3D, 2019
{EN} The Marty Tatoo salon was redesigned to modernize its interior spaces while maintaining the strong identity of the existing. The world of tattooing inspired the design of the space. The different elements of furniture and architecture play on the variations of thickness as a tattoo artist can do on the skin. The use of thin copper plates on the ceiling recalls the copper coil of the tattoo tools.
︎︎︎ Image 3D, 2019
︎︎︎ échantillon matériau bois de chêne
︎︎︎ échantillon matériau
bobine de cuivre